Sunday, October 9, 2011

Prayer - Gratitude

Heavenly Father,

All we have is yours. Thank you. All we need, you provide. Thank you.

We are filled with gratitude, Jesus, for the many blessings we enjoy. We are rich beyond imagining! We have a heavenly Father who loves us unconditionally despite our failures. We have a Savior who loved us so much he took our sins to the cross with him where he died to ensure our eternal salvation. We have the Holy Spirit who lives with us each day, guiding and directing us.

Help us to live gratefully, to serve obediently, and to share boldly the message of the Gospel. Let our lives be models for those who don't know Jesus and seek more for themselves and their families. Guide us in our speaking so it always honors you, Gracious God.

For all the bounty we enjoy, we know there are those who are hungry for food and for a relationship with Jesus. Give us the means to meet those needs whether they be found close to home or far from here.

In the glorious name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

(c) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

Prayer - Plans

Heavenly Father,

We offer our praise, our worship, and our song to you. You alone are holy, mighty, loving, and forgiving. We honor you and seek to please you with our actions.

Help us to discern your will, Jesus, to understand how our plans and yours don't always match. Give us wisdom to know how best to serve you, make disciples, and expand your kingdom. Let us live as examples of obedient believers, dedicated not to our own agendas but to yours.

Send your Holy Spirit to guide our speech, direct our paths, and lift us up when we are dragging. Forgive us when we make bad choices and fail to honor you in all we do and say.

Pour out your blessings upon us, enrobing us in righteousness, and surrounding us with angels so we might be your servants here on earth.

In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Prayer - weakness

Heavenly Father,

Refresher of our souls, we honor you and praise you. We celebrate your presence in our lives - your constant, faithful presence. All glory to you, almighty God, and to your son, Jesus, and your Holy Spirit who you sent to live with us.

Help us not to see the mountains ahead of us but the path you have carved our for our journey. Let us dwell upon your all-sufficient power not our own weakness. When we pray in the name of Jesus, all things are possible! No problem is too large, no sin too great, no issue to small for you. When we turn toward you, your light shines upon us and we see clearly through your eyes, not our own.

Forgive us when we fail to put you first, rely upon our own meager strength, and attempt to create our own solutions rather than depending fully upon you. Forgive our sins against you and our Christian brothers and sisters.

Pour out your blessings upon us so we might live as your chosen people, loved and made perfect in our weakness. Give us the courage to boldly proclaim your majesty and help us to make disciples to grow your kingdom here on earth.

We pray these things in Jesus' name. Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011