Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Prayer - Mother's Day

Heavenly Father,

All honor and glory are yours, we praise you, worship you, and lift your name on high.

We thank you for the gift of family and nurturing of our mothers. We seek your blessings for the moms in our lives. We honor them for their sacrificial love and seek your protection for them. Keep them safe, guide them on the path you would have them take.

As we remember our moms, we also praise you for the success of our graduates. As they take the next steps in their lives, help them understand your will for them.

Let our church family continue to worship in spirit and truth. Show us the ministry you have in store for us. Send us to be your disciples to all who don’t know your son, Jesus, or feel the indwelling of your Holy Sprit. Give us the skills to be effective for you.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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