Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Prayer - Faith Walk

Gracious God,

Holy, holy, holy Lord – you are our creator, redeemer, healer, and our savior. We praise you, we glorify you, we honor you.

Forgive us for our human weaknesses. We are imperfect, impatient, and prone to sin. Only through your grace do we find blessed forgiveness, restoration, and wholeness.

Accompany us on our faith walk. Lead us in the direction you would have us take. Send us to serve you. Let us encounter inspiring servants who assist us in growing, maturing, and serving.

Send your Holy Spirit to warm our hearts. Open our eyes, ears, and souls to serve in your name.

Where we fall short, redirect us. Where we have weakness, build us up. Where we have talents, use us to your glory.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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