Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Prayer - Lent

Heavenly Father,

In these days of reflection and rededication, we honor and glorify You. We thank you for your son, Jesus, who experienced human pain, suffering, and death so we might know the power of the resurrection. You alone are Holy and greatly to be praised. You know our needs and answer them. You feel our pain and relieve it. You understand our weakness and give us strength. In and through You alone can we achieve our greatest desires – love, forgiveness, and eternal life.

For all the blessings we’ve received, we offer our sincere gratitude. We know You are the source of all that’s good in our lives. And we boldly ask for more! More blessings, more courage, more ability so we can share the good news of the Gospel. Never let us forget Christ’s passion. And equip us to tell others about your saving grace and abundant mercy.

These things we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.

(c) Ann Trimble-Ray 2010

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