Friday, January 1, 2010

Prayer - Praise and Thanksgiving

Heavenly Father,

We offer our grateful praise for the beauty of the earth. We honor you for the glory of your creation, for its bounty, and the wonder of the seasons. We worship you, knowing you alone are able to bring all into harmony, a delicate balance not due to chance or circumstance. You are holy, Lord, and worthy of our adoration.

As we consider our blessings, the riches we have received, we honor you by returning a portion of what we receive to those who need our help. Let our offering to Heifer International be meaningful and bring honor to you. Help these gifts of animals be sustainable and glorify you in their use.

We give sincere thanks for all the joy in our lives because we know you are the source of everything good. We ask you to continue to fulfill your promise to prosper each of us, not to harm us. Yet we know, despite any challenge, in the face of any difficulty, we are never alone. You are with us – strong, secure, and steadfast. We can rely on you for strength, wisdom, and courage.

Accept our thanksgiving, most merciful father, and accept our petition to add to the blessings we have received. Show your favor to all your children and send us out to be messengers of the Gospel.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

© Ann Trimble-Ray 2010

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