Friday, January 1, 2010

Prayer - Harvest

Heavenly Father,

We rejoice in the bounty of the harvest season, joyfully watching the culmination of another growing year. We give you praise and glory for the generosity you lavish upon all your children and the beauty of the earth.

Help us to be good stewards, not only of the land and livestock, but of all your gifts to us. Let us celebrate the gifts of our church family, offering you thanks for the unique and wonderful abilities of each within our midst.

Forgive us for our sins. When the worldly crowds out the holy, when busyness overcomes our schedules, pull us back into relationship with you. Turn our minds and hearts toward you.

With hearts filled with gratitude we ask your continued blessings. We want to be a beacon of your love in our community.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

© Ann Trimble-Ray 2010

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