Monday, March 22, 2010

Prayer - Take Up Christ's Cross

Heavenly Father,

Great are you and greatly to be praised. We glorify you, King Jesus, and honor your life, ministry, and supreme sacrifice. Surround us Holy Spirit, inspiring our worship and leading us in God’s will.

Give us the courage to take up Christ’s cross. Let us be bold in proclaiming our faith. Give us strength to leave behind the things occupying our time and consuming our resources. Show us how to become humble servants as Jesus taught.

Pour out your blessings upon us. Remind us we are your children, loved and forgiven. Open our hearts and minds to the study of your Word, constant prayer, and holy conferencing.

Let our work in your church be pleasing in your sight.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

(c) 2010 Ann Trimble-Ray

Prayer - Spring

Heavenly Father,

We celebrate your creation as the landscape changes around us. We honor you for the gift of our earthly home and give you the glory for its beauty.

Give us spirits of renewal so just as the earth renews itself and prepares for another season of growth and productivity, we pledge our hearts to your service, our spirits to worship, and our time to worship.

Thank you, Gracious God, for all the blessings you have given us. We are grateful for all we have and seek to honor in our use of time, talents, and resources.

Reveal to us your will. Guide us how to expand your kingdom and give us boldness to proclaim the gospel.

This we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

(C) 2010 Ann Trimble-Ray

Prayer - Trials and Tests

Heavenly Father,

You are great, mighty, holy, and powerful, the source of everything good. We honor and praise you, Almighty Father, for your unconditional love, forgiveness, grace, and mercy.

For all our trust, we still seek understanding. Help us to endure the tests, to succeed at the trials, and find you in the midst of our questioning. Give us courage, strength, and help us to build our faith. Give us the ability to resist Satan’s urgings and follow you with single-minded devotion.

Pour out your blessings upon us. Reveal to us your glory and help us to see how fortunate we are. Give us hearts and hands for service, humbling ourselves as Christ did when he washed his disciples’ feet.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

(C) 2010 Ann Trimble-Ray